
Are all local authorities in Malaysia within the purview of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG)?
All local authorities are within the purview of the respective State Governments. The duties of MHLG are to coordinate the LAs in terms of policy and law, advisory services including technical advice services and channelling allocations from the Federal Government.

Solid Waste Collection

What are the actions that the public could undertake in the event the parties responsible for garbage clean-up fail to execute their tasks?
The public can lodge a complaint to the Besut District Council for immediate clean-up works.

Assessment Tax

What is meant by assessment tax/quit rent?
Assessment tax is a tax levied under section 141 for eligible buildings that are rated in the council areas including residential homes, business premises, industrial premises, buildings owned by the Federal government, state and other private agencies.


What is the amount of compound that is imposed for each offence?
The Compounding of Offences By-Laws (UUK) has determined that each offence under Act 171 and the laws were made thereunder may be fined a maximum of RM250.00, whereas the Compounding of offences (Street, Drainage and Building) (Terengganu) By-Laws 1985 allocates a maximum compound amount of RM250.00 for offences under the By-Laws and RM500 for each offence under Act 133. For offences under the Road Traffic (Provision Regarding Car Parking Area) (MDB) Order 1993, the amount of a compound that may be imposed is at RM50.
  • Last Update : Sunday, 09 February 2025 |  Total Visitors :

22200 Besut,
Terengganu Darul Iman.

Sun - Thu : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +609 6956 388
HL : +609 6957 400
F : +609 6956 199
E : mdb@terengganu.gov.my


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