Client's Charter

No Client's Charter
1 Our Commitment is to carry out duty with responsibility, honesty and trustworthy.
2 We priortize public interest than personal interest and always be prepared to give efficient, accurate and effective service.
3 We promise to serve customers friendly and politely and prepared to help whenever you lodge complaints about our sevice.
4 We promise to accomodate the complaints within the period of seven (7) to thirty (30) working days depending on the scale of each case.
5 We promise to provide the best counter service to all the customers who deal with the Council.
6 We always ensure that payment for work and service claim which is complete will be made within the period of fourteen (14) working days from the date of receive of the claim.
7 We promise to issue Certificate of Fitneess for Occupancy (CFO) within the period of fourteen (14) working days after we receive the application provided that the erection of the building complies with the imposed conditions.
8 We will ensure that the Annual Assessment of Assessment Tax is done at a reasonable rate within the period of two (2) months after the Certificate of Fitness for Occupancy is issued. Objections toward Annual Assessment will be processed and decided within one (1) month.
9 We will ensure that Assessment Tax bills for the First Half of the year be issued on the month of January and for Second Half of the year in the month of July. Assessment Tax which is failed to be paid after 31st August will be imposed fine.
10 We will ensure that application for license renewal is approved immediately and the application for new license be processed and decided within the period not exceeding two (2) months proviced that the applicatiuon complies with licensing requirements.
11 We will ensure that solid waste collection from the public litter bin is implemented efficiently every day by the appointed public cleaning contractor to ensure that the enviroment is always clean and free from the infectious disease.
12 We will process and decide any application of development proposal within the prescribed of thirty-four (34) to one hundred and eight (108) working days provided that such application is accompanied by complete documents and complies with the imposed conditions:
No Type of Application Prescribed Period
1 Planning Permission 57
2 Planning Permission (extradition and 'Pemberimilikan Semula') 108
3 Engineering plan including  Earthwork Plan , Drain & Road Plan, Street Lamp Plan 80
4 Landscape Plan 34
5 Building Plan 69
13 We will ensure that any suitable place in the Council's area be provided with the public facilities, infrastructure and socio economy to be enjoyed together in order to establish a prosperous community.
14 We promise that all the applicable laws in the Council's area will be enforced justly in order to ensure that planned development, cleanliness and beauty be retained as best as possible.
  • Last Update : Sunday, 09 February 2025 |  Total Visitors :

22200 Besut,
Terengganu Darul Iman.

Sun - Thu : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +609 6956 388
HL : +609 6957 400
F : +609 6956 199
E :


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