YDP's Message

I wish to take this opportunity to welcome and wish ‘Selamat Datang' to the Majlis Daerah Besut's WebSite. The website has been developed especially as a tribute to the nation in realising the Malaysian Government's dream to become an Electronic Government or ‘e-government'.

I thank God that we succeeded in implementing this website for the information and knowledge of those who visit it. I hope this site will function as a ‘one-stop' input centre to all that you need to know about the Majlis, its functions and services that it renders.

The website also acts as a reference and guide to those who need to deal with the Majlis, and it is my hope that the information posted will be used appropriately; and to our advantage in our desire to together develop the Distict of Besut.

Lastly, I would like to wish ‘Happy Surfing' the Majlis Daerah Besut‘s website to all surfers and I hope you are happy and satisfied with our presentation. You are most welcome if you wish to give your comments and proposals that will further improve our website.

Thank you.


  • Last Update : Sunday, 09 February 2025 |  Total Visitors :

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Terengganu Darul Iman.

Sun - Thu : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +609 6956 388
HL : +609 6957 400
F : +609 6956 199
E : mdb@terengganu.gov.my


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Majlis Daerah Besut

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