
Transport service to Pulau Perhentian

Sea transport system using boats is the main means of transportation between Pulau Perhentian and the mainland. The main tourism jetty terminal in the mainland is located in Kuala Besut. The terminal which costs almost RM3 million began to operate in early 1998 for tourists' facilities to wait for and board the boats, ticket counters, selling crafts, food stalls and various other services.

Land route between settlement areas and tourism spots are the footpaths through tracks in the jungle which foreign tourists like to cross through. Apart from that, there are also small boats which they named as ‘taxi' to carry passengers to tourist spots

  • Last Update : Sunday, 09 February 2025 |  Total Visitors :

22200 Besut,
Terengganu Darul Iman.

Sun - Thu : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +609 6956 388
HL : +609 6957 400
F : +609 6956 199
E :


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