La Hot Spring

This hot water spot is located in Hulu Terengganu remote area about 28 km from Jerteh town, Terengganu. This tourist center which is popularly called La Hot Spring was opened to the public as a tourist center in 1992 in conjunction with the launching of the Development Expo and Besut District Cultural Fair.

This recreation center has actually long existed and have been visited by local residents during weekends and public holidays to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Visitors have the opportunity to watch the hot water which shoots out from a hill slope and flow directly into a pool.

The hot water which flows contains sulfur or belerang  chemical with the heat of 49 degrees celcius. It is good for curing skin diseases and can be used for bathing. Hot water containers, Wadding Pool, are also available here.

Apart from that, there are also man made hot springs and spa-like pools meant for the public to enjoy the warmth of the hot springs with privacy. The number of visitors coming to this place has never lessen as there are people coming everyday. The main attraction is the natural hot spring which is believed to be able to cure diseases while maintaining body freshness.

La Hot Spring also provides various facilities for the public such as rest house, musalla, lavatories, restaurants and many others.

  • Last Update : Sunday, 09 February 2025 |  Total Visitors :

22200 Besut,
Terengganu Darul Iman.

Sun - Thu : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +609 6956 388
HL : +609 6957 400
F : +609 6956 199
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